
Doc2Book - Convert Microsoft office word document (.doc,.docx) to iBook epub book

Wanna read your word documents (.doc, .docx) in iBooks? Looks impossible? NO, I (Word2Book) can do it - convert your word documents to EPub books, then you can read them in iBooks. You don't need to buy or download book from online books store.

With me, you can:
- convert your word documents to EPub books in 3 simple steps: review document, choose correct chapters and generate.
- specify font size
- change book title
- set book author
- upload files via Wifi or iTunes
- manage/organize books and documents with file manager

Please watch demo on YouTube: http://youtu.be/E7EeSgxjBr8, as follow:

If you can't visit it, please watch on YouKu: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTg4MzQ4NjY4.html

iFormula - Create Your Calculator with Formula, Expression and Input Form for Your Calculation Like Excel

Tired of inputing same formula on calculator again and again? Like the cool feature of Microsoft Office Excel - input a formula once, and reuse it any time by changing formula fields' value? Yes, iFormula provides the feature.

With iFormula, you can:
- create any type of formulas and any number of formulas for your calculations
- use an intuitive but powerful formula editor to create a formula quickly - simply tap and drag.
- create input field and constant field which can be referenced in formula
- take use of powerful functions, including sum, avg, max, min, abs, pow, root, sqrt, log, sin, cos, etc.
- run it any time, what you need do is type value of fields used in formula
- assign icon to your calculations
- add description

Please watch demo on YouTube: http://youtu.be/oIQ88CWw_pA, as follow:

If you can't watch the above video, try this one: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTg5NTY5MDI0.html


Contacts Lock

Don't want other guys view your contacts? Lock them!

Contacts Lock protects your contacts from reading by someone else. You can convert any of your contacts to locked contact, and set password - locked contacts are invisible in system Contacts, they are accessible in Contacts Lock. Of course, you can convert a locked contact to unlocked contacts either, so it can be visible in system Contacts.

This great App contains the following features:
- Convert your contacts to locked contacts, vice versa.
- Set password to protect your locked contacts
- Manage contact groups, and grouping locked or unlocked contacts
- Add/delete/edit locked or unlocked contacts
- Filter contacts by group, type and keyword
- Search contacts by name or all fields (e.g.phone number, email, company, addresses, etc.)
- Show contact photo/phone/email in contacts list
- Highlight unlocked contacts
- Ask password on opening or every time this App go into foreground

Should you have any question/issue, please contact stickto@gmail.com, thanks!